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Jefferson Area Chamber of Commerce celebrates the Jefferson Food Pantry

Jefferson, WI – The Jefferson Area Chamber of Commerce recently hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the Jefferson Food Pantry’s recent milestone achievement—the purchase of their permanent home at 164 W. Garland St., Jefferson.

The Jefferson Food Pantry recently announced their purchase of their building with the support and generosity of donors, grants, fundraisers, and careful financial stewardship. This milestone was dedicated to Ron Pribnow, previous President and Executive Director of the pantry.

In addition to serving thousands of community members each year through regular food pantry programs, JFP also coordinates periodic pizza giveaway events with Palermo’s Pizza and hosts a Little Free Pantry, both are open to anyone regardless of financial status or residency.

“The Jefferson Food Pantry and it’s volunteers are so dedicated and passionate about helping Jefferson,” said Megan Cooper, Executive Director of the Jefferson Chamber. “We commend the Jefferson Food Pantry for their incredible impact on the community and look forward to supporting its continued efforts.”
The Jefferson Food Pantry has served the Jefferson community since 1997.

For more information about the Jefferson Food Pantry, how to get involved, or how to support them, visit The pantry is open to residents within the Jefferson School District on Mondays and Thursdays from 1-4pm.

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